Do you know where your food comes from? Do you know who your food comes from?

Before taking on this project I’d only been on a farm once in my life. Growing up in the city, the narrow alleys, bustling streets and (now almost gone)  specialized, family grocers didn’t train me to consider where food came from. I had never witnessed nor planted food personally. I knew farming was probably a hard job, but never knew how much work was involved in raising food and animals, especially sustainably and organically in drought ridden Texas.

This project is a collaboration with the Austin,Texas-based non-profit, Sustainable Food Center.

Special Thanks to the farmers in this project for your valuable time

Kevin & Becky Ottmers
Ottmers Family Farm : Stonewall, Texas

Harry, Maew & Penel Simmons
Simmons Family Farms : Neiderwald, Texas

Jim, Kay & Mike Richardson
Richardson Farms : Rockdale, Texas

Dorsey Barger
HausBar Farms : East Austin, Texas

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